Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome to the Blog for ESCI 111 Spring 2012

 Welcome to the blog for ESCI 111 Spring 2012.

1968: The Earth from space. The crew of Apollo 8 delivers a live, televised Christmas Eve broadcast after becoming the first humans to orbit another space body (the moon).

This blog will be about topics related to what we talk about in this class but since we are just getting started, let me tell you a bit about myself (just in case you might be interested).

I have been teaching in the Department of Geography at SIUE since 2004. Before I came here, I lived in Tokyo (東京), Japan (日本) for seven years. I got my PhD in Geography from the University of Wisconsin Madison. My minor was Geology. I'll tell you about my research in a later post.

I have traveled quite a bit over the years visiting most of the lower 48 states, Hawaii, and American Samoa. I lived on Oahu in Hawaii for three years and got a Masters degree in teaching English as a second language at the University of Hawaii Manoa.

I was in the Peace Corps in Afghanistan (before the wars) and traveled to Pakistan and India at that time. I have also visited Turkey, Nepal, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan and South Korea, and many countries in Europe. As you can see, I like traveling. Besides Japan, my favorite places to visit are England and Scotland.

Some other things I am interested in besides geography and geology include baseball (Cardinals and Yankees), computers (Apple) and technology, reading about science and history, and science fiction. I also teach the Japanese martial art, Aikido, in St. Louis.


Anonymous said...

Hi, im Recie Wilson. I an a sophmore double majoring in history and anthropology. I am interested in traveling like you did but focusing in Greece, Rome, and tge whole if Africa.

Anonymous said...

I think its very interesting that you have traveled the world. I myself have never been out of the United States of America. I also have not visited more than 10 states within the US.When I graduate college I plan to do more traveling!

Rhandi Beaty (section 1)

Anonymous said...

My name is Melissa McKenney! I am a double major in criminal justice and political science, hoping to be a lawyer someday. I admire your travels!! I have not been out of the country, but I have traveled all throughout our country. I have also looked into joining the Peace Corps. It may be something I do after I graduate next year. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I'm Jayna Brennan, I am a sophomore and am majoring in Social Work. I am fascinated by all the places you have traveled. I have visited Pari, Madrid, Barcelona, and Toledo. I enjoyed Barcelona the best and I want one day to travel to Germany, that is my dream.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Carley Pfleger. I am a sophomore majoring in elementary education. I would love to visit some of the places you traveled. Also, I would like to spend time in Italy and France. In addition, I would like to, at some point have traveled to all fifty states.

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is David Kasich. I am a junior majoring in Economics and Finance. I have been to six countries including: Mexico, Canada, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Spain, and Morocco. I have also studied martial arts that are similar to your studies. I have trained in Mauy Thai for over two years and have an amateur record of 1-0 TKO. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hello my name is Devin Robinson and I am a senior and will be graduating in May. I have been to Canada before and most recently I took a trip to Memphis with some of my fraternity brothers, don't remember much of it. I like going to see new movies

I also enjoy music of many different types, but mostly I stick to R&B and more soulful music that helps facilitate a more relaxing mood

This class seems like it will be interesting can't wait to learn something new

michaelstephens77 said...

I'm fascinated by all your extensive traveling, especially in Japan. I have traveled to many states east of the Mississippi and just a few to the west. I just love the differences in topography and culture within our own country and I can't wait to go beyond American borders. I haven't yet declared, but I am planning on majoring in geography possibly specializing in meteorology or geomorphology.

Michael Stephens
Section 001

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Adam Reid -- I'm a Spanish major and I am minoring in history (with an emphasis on Latin American history). I plan on eventually getting two ph.d's in both disciplines. Aikido, huh? I have always wanted to learn Judo and Sambo. I can't wait to learn something new in this class. I'm ready!

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Laura Doherty. I am a junior studying Elementary Education. I love that you have lived in Tokyo, I think that is very fascinating. I have not traveled outside of the U.S. and I really haven't traveled much in the U.S. either. I do hope as i get older I will see more. I love sports as well. I am from Rockford which is near Chicago so I am a big Cubs, Bulls, and Bears fan.

Anonymous said...

I'm Britini Irwin and am a senior studying psychology. I thought it was interesting that you've done a lot of traveling outside of the United States. I have not had the opportunity to do any traveling out of the U.S., but have done quite a bit inside the U.S.. I've been to most of the southern states and Vegas. My goal within the next few years is to see what beautiful sites California, Colorado, and Hawaii have to offer. I one day wish to live in either Colorado or California. I was envious of all your experience in Japan. I wish one day to get the courage to travel outside of the U.S. and that's one of my first choices I would like to visit.

Other than traveling, I am also a huge Cardinals fan.

Anonymous said...

Hi My name is Nathan Pierce and I'm a freshmen who plans on majoring in Mass Communication and minoring in theater. In my free time I usually watch movies (comedy, sci-fi, superhero), hang with my brothers in Sigma Tau Gamma, or just chill. I'm pretty jealous of all the places you have been too because i haven't even bee out of the country... YET!! But i've been to 35 of the states so i figure i should finish up my own country before exploring the rest of the world. Well that's just a little bit about me!

Anonymous said...

My name's Julie Lisak and I'm a sophomore language student. I study French, German and English. Next year I plan to study abroad in France. Anyway, it surprised me to see you lived in Japan for a while; so did my older sister. She taught English as a second language there. Personally I'm afraid to go there; I was even before the country was hit by the tsunamis and the radiation spread. I'm a bit claustrophobic, so, I figure Japan's not the place for me. See you Thursday.

Julie Lisak (800451086)

Anonymous said...

My name is Tyler Renfro. I'm a freshman majoring in art. My only real interests are fitness, music, and art. I am really surprised you have traveled around the world so much, especially Japan. I have always wanted to visit Japan. I think it has a very interesting and exciting culture.

Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Caitlin Corey. I am a junior at SIUE majoring in Mass Communications and minoring in Art and Business. I am from Decatur IL originally but I have been all over the U.S. I think it is incredible that you have been given the opportunity to travel to so many places. I have almost been to every state in the U.S. but have never been out of the country. However, my brother-in-law might be stationed in Italy so hopefully I will be able to take a trip to visit and get to explore a bit. It is my dream to be able to visit Germany and get to experience all the history of WW2, which is one of my many interests.

Anonymous said...

Hello my name is Kara Ayers and I am a freshman majoring psychology. Your list of places you have traveled to is very impressive. I have never been outside the United States, but I am planning on changing that this summer. I would love to hear more about your Peace Corps days, it sounds like it would have been a very good experience. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Shay Smith and I am a sophomore majoring in elementary education. I think it is really neat how you have been so many places. My goal is to see all 50 states, and I have been to 17 of them so far, including Washington D.C. One of my favorites was Tennesee. I am originally from California and moved to Illinois in 7th grade with my family. I like living out here better, but I do miss the mountains where we lived in California. Thanks for sharing with us! Go Cards!

Anonymous said...

My name is Sarah Doggendorf. I am a sophmore majoring in psychology and minoring in business. I have only been to about 13 different states. I played soccer for the U.S. national development camp and I was able to go to Costa Rica for 2 weeks and play soccer against Panama, Costa Rica, and Mexico. Costa Rica was the most beautiful place I have been to so far. My dream place would be going to Europe and watching some
Barclays Premier League soccer games.

Anonymous said...

My names Victor McIntosh, I'm a freshman majoring in Computer Technology, no idea what I want to minor in at the moment. The one place i've visited outside of America is Jamaica. The Yankees are also my favorite baseball team. I like all sports. I'm a pretty fast person so I have a goal to run track here at SIUE. This is my 3rd time taking a Geology class.

Anonymous said...

My names Kierstyn Bone, I'm a freshman majoring in Speech-Language Pathology. Outside of America I have visited Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We visit Mexico every year and I love everything about it. I would choose to go there over anywhere in America. Within the United States I havent traveled to many places besides Florida and New York. I love to travel for a short amount of time, but mostly I like to stay close to home. I think it is very interesting that you have lived in Japan before, and all the places you have traveled to amazes me! Thank you for sharing. Go cards!

lucia80 said...

My name is Lucia I am a Junior majoring in Spanish. I just wanted to say that you have a very interesting background and I am happy to be one of your students.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I’m Patricia Doyle. I am a sophomore and majoring in Speech Pathology and Audiology. I really enjoyed reading about the places you have traveled to. I have traveled to many places in the US and to the Caribbean. The Caribbean has also been my favorite but the one place I would love to go visit is Ireland and see where my grandparents grew up at before coming to Illinois.

Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Michelle Probst.I am a sophomore studying elementary education. I love baking, sports, and the outdoors. I do not travel very much. I do not have extensive travel goals. However, I would love to go on a mission trip to 3rd world country to give back to the world.

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Shelby Berberich. I am a sophmore and my major is Elementary Education with an emphasis in science. I love shopping almost a little too much. I have not ever been out of the country but would love to travel around the world.

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Tarah Kohler, and I'm a Junior majoring in Elementary Education with an emphasis in social studies and science. I have gotten the opportunity to travel to many different places outside the US like England, France, Italy, Aruba, Bon Aire, Panama, and Costa Rica. I would have to agree that England is definately a great place to go visit!

Jennifer White said...

You have a really interesting life! I would have never guessed you teach Japanese martial art. I think it's so amazing that you were in the Peace Corps. That's always been something I found so interesting. I have thought about joining for awhile now, maybe once I'm done with school. I'm incredibly jealous that you lived in Hawaii. I can only imagine how nice that was.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Jacob Wood. I'm a freshman and my intended major is Mass Communications. I haven't had as exciting traveling life as you had, but I would love to one day see other parts of the world. I love playing basketball and pretty much anything that goes along with basketball.